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This QA qualification has been developed to prepare Learners to  become Community First Responders. It has been designed to give  Learners a basic level of prehospital care knowledge and clinical  practice to deal with life-threatening emergencies such as cardiac  arrest. Effective early interventions by community first responders  have been shown to have a positive impact on patient outcomes   and  are reflected in the qualification content.  
Learners must be at least 18 years old on the first day of the  training. 
QA Level 2 & 3 Award for Community First Responders (RQF) 
Qualification Specification 
To generate evidence of community first response to complete this  qualification, Learners must have access to a minimum of 12 hours  mentored practice. 
There are no other formal entry requirements but to benefit from  the learning we advise that Learners have a minimum of Level 2 in  literacy and numeracy or equivalent. 
The QA Level 3 Award for Community First Responders (RQF)  qualification can be used as a stepping stone to progress onto  higher level.

Course Content  
Catastrophic bleeding (CFR) 
Wounds bleeding and shock (CFR) 
Medical emergencies (CFR) 
Primary survey (unresponsive patient) and secondary survey (CFR) 
Secondary survey (responsive patient) (CFR) 
Airway management (CFR) 
Administering emergency medical gases (CFR) The leading  qualification for events cover, the Qualsafe First Response  Emergency Care 
(Level 3 RQF) covers the full range of skills required by the HSE for  first aid, and more! For those with further ambitions, it also forms  the first step of a programme to become a 
Paramedic in 2 years. 
Over 5 days, you will fulfil the competencies set out in the PHEM    skills framework at descriptor level D, gaining the knowledge and  practical skills needed to deal with a range of prehospital  emergency care situations. A perfect fit for those looking to work or 
volunteer as a first responder.
Among the first to arrive at a scene, First Responders typically   includes law enforcement officers, firefighters, and those providing  medical cover at events, as well as those working in high risk  environments including the military, power stations, agriculture and 

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